”Overcoming Life” by D.L.Moody-Pastor Book Study to be held at Coffee Central in Central City beginning the first Thursday in February and each Thursday throughout the month. Study will run for 4 weeks. Morning session begins at 11 a.m. Evening session begins at 6 p.m. Leaders will be Bro. Ron Metheny and Bro. Jeremy Jessup. Please choose which session will be convenient for you to attend. For all Pastors and Pastor supply and those that are looking to enter the ministry field. Additional information contact Bro. Ron Metheny at 270/225-8391 Feb 10th—”Stork Shower” hosted by the WMU at the Muhlenberg Baptist Associational Office. 10 a.m.-12 noon. Please drop by with your baby items and stay a while and fellowship with friends and enjoy some refreshments. Feb 12th-Valentine Banquet at 6:00 p.m. Roland Memorial Church Feb 15th-Sweet Heart Meal at 5 p.m. Unity Baptist Church Feb 16th--Senior Adult Valentine Meal at Noon-Bethlehem Baptist Church Feb 25th-Men’s Meeting at New Paradise 6:30 p.m. Speaker will be Will Marshia. Come and bring a friend! Feb 29th-”Prevalent in Prayer” meeting at 10 a.m. at Cherry Hill Baptist Church. Emphasis of prayer will be on the Sanctity of Life, in light of the current abortion crisis sweeping over our land. Guest Speaker: Diana Anderson (Pathway of Hope). March 16th-WMU-International Mission Board Book Study to be held at Dunmor Baptist Church at 10 a.m. Questions, please contact Maritza Grant at 270/657-2230 Brothers & Sisters: The first Mission trip is planned for March 11th to Mexico. Please continue to pray for the individuals who are going. We plan to saturate Muhlenberg County with the Gospel after the Kidfest. The pamplets should be arriving and delivered so we will be ready to begin distribution. We would like the local churches in the area to help us with this saturation. A trip to Monticello is planned the first week of June, 2020. If you would like to participate, please contact Bro. Jerry Eades at 338-5650 or myself at 977-1720. Thank you for your prayers! John Bivins, Mission Development |
Fresh Start—Tuesday mornings at Greenville McDonalds with other area students for breakfast and devotion before busing all the kids to their schools. If your child is in grades 6-12, please come join us.
Feb 4th—KIDSFEST Meeting at MCBA Office at 6 p.m. Everyone that is interested please attend. Feb 18th– MCBA Board Meeting at New Cypress Baptist Church Meal-6 p.m. Meeting--6:45 p.m. WMU CALENDAR Jan 30-Feb 1--KY WMU Winter Committee Meeting Feb 10-16—Focus on WMU Feb 10—Stork Shower-Associational Office Feb 15-Children’s Mission Day March 1-8-Week of Prayer for North American Missions If your church would like to host one of the monthly Men’s Meetings, please contact Wayne Drake 608-2451 We are seeking any of the churches that would like to host this years Annual Meeting to please contact our office at 338-5650 The Book of Minutes are ready and can be picked up at the MCBA Office. There are still a few who have ordered books on their ACP that was turned in but have not paid for their books. Associational Mission Project / Crisis Ministry February—Personal & cleaning products for needy/ toilet paper March—Easter items & Baskets for needy children / Paper Towels April—Easter items & Basket Assembling |
New Harmony, Heritage, Oak Grove,
Graham, New Hebron, New Hope
New Harmony, Heritage, Oak Grove,
Graham, New Hebron, New Hope